Monday, January 30, 2012

Job Interviews

Danny Devito is a rare breed. If you look at the actors and singers and dancers and politicians and other "celebrities" and "contractors", they are mostly good looking. In fact, good-looking massively overrepresented in the career of a situation where people are invited to look.

Not surprisingly, people prefer to look at good looking people in a bad-looking people.

So when you are ready to perform, it is best to look your best. For most people, the most important effect will ever submit to a job interview. Continue passed the control and it is a matter of picking the top of the form 2 or top 3 or top 10 candidates.

And looks matter.

In most cases, seems will be the sole factor or even a major factor. However, the hiring manager's gut instinct about a person and how well it will fit in, how hard will perform their duties, they will be honest - this gut instinct counts big time. And this is where the look comes in.

"When someone is viewed as attractive, it is often assumed to have a range of positive social traits and greater intelligence," said Carl Senior and Michael JR Butler, authors of a study published in the journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. "This is known as the" Halo Effect "and it has previously been shown to affect the outcome of job interviews."

The study specifically looked at facial disfigurements: "Discrimination against Facially stigmatized applicants in interviews: Eye-tracking and face-to-face investigation" The study is published in the Journal of Applied Psychology. It was found that people with facial disfigurement stood statistically less chances of landing a job than people without disfigurements.

What kind of disfigurement could hinder your chances at a job interview?

All that can be confusing to make conversation to avoid, even subconsciously.

Burn marks
Faces Cosmetics
So, it's not just a matter of picking the better of the three candidates. It could happen, and probably not. But if a person's face is distractingly blemished, which has a strong influence. If the conversation, attention is drawn to the mole or a scar instead of the eyes and smile - and what they are saying! - This is not some unfortunate things:

This reduces their power to win over the conversation, which was distracted by a smile, eyes, and your message.
That makes you annoying to look at. If a person believes irritation to look at you, that does not create the kind of positive impression of what you want
This will probably make the interviewer wonder if the company could lose customers, which creates a negative impression or cause customers to go elsewhere (more comfortable and less irritating).
Your best move is to remove facial jewelry before heading out to talk. Keep extras "tasteful" - that means what most people would consider tasteful, not only what is considered tasteful in your social circle - and out of the way your face. Even your hair - make sure it is not obscuring the eyes.

Use makeup as best you can to neutralize any natural or accidental blemishes such as moles, scars and burn marks. Every great artist uses make-up before going on stage or in front of cameras. For high performance, take advice from them.

You will not go to a job interview wearing ripped jeans. Pay attention to your face as much as you do to your clothes. You will be judged on their appearance, and you will be judged negatively if you have distracting flaws to steal the show.

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