Saturday, June 9, 2012

Classroom Management

Many years ago, just before my first day as a full-time teacher, I clearly remember that my biggest concern, classroom management. Will I be able to control difficult to manage students? How do I get students tend to be more productive in my class? After many years of college teaching and supervision of student teachers, may apply such relationships are still the top ranking for today's teachers. Now, let me add something else, it is a top concern for directors and supervisors hiring new employees. For this reason, you must come prepared to discuss this vital area to hit on the head! So, let's look at an issue that could easily be part of high school intervjuu.P: Research shows that many disaffected students are "off" for education during high school years. What will you do to prevent this happening in your classroom? Final answer to this question has escaped the best thinkers in education for many years, and it is unlikely that they will suddenly crack the puzzle. However, you must make a good presentation of ideas on this subject, if you have the most candidates. Many great teachers have written about disaffected students over the years, so you'll have no trouble finding lots of fabulous ideas and information on the subject. However, a word of caution, this is the kind of response that can continue at great length and include a number of complex strategies. Avoid it. My suggestion is to craft a compact, accurate approach that can be posted in one, two, three births. Prepare an answer that contains three or four strong central idea around which specific actions are designed. Let's quickly look at what it means and how it could be structured. Try ovo.Znam secondary schools have a special responsibility to maintain the productive participation of students. In my opinion, some of the things most responsible for student departure from the school: 1 feeling that the school does not have anything worthwhile to offer, 2 dull and boring class and 3 continuing series of negative experiences and failure in the past razreda.To is especially good a start as you begin with a description of the problem as you see it. Feel free to add or replace your opinion on this subject, here are mine only. Since the beginning of this now can attack every cause with a certain set of activities intended to be used in the classroom in order to reduce or eliminate their impact. For example, your address segment dull and boring lectures could say: Let me continue on the problem of annoying and boring classes. In my opinion, can help offset this problem by breaking down each lesson into smaller, manageable pieces, then include one or two high-interest activities that require students "to engage ideas," not just "hear about" such ideas. These activities are monitored, including the factors of responsibility, and maintain the momentum of that day of classes. Using different teaching platforms such as two-way discussion, videos, SmartBoard applications, novelty, humor, anecdotes and dynamic group interactions can promote both students' interest and involvement. Their attention was focused more on the joy of learning and not repeating the routine. These lessons will rarely, if ever, be seen as boring and dosadan.Ovdje, in one simple statement that listed more than ten different ideas that are focused on key problem identified in the opening. This is a short, strong and will get the attention of his committee. You will need a similar approach for all three problem areas identified, and you should be prepared in advance. For the first part, directly to discuss how to increase students' understanding of each lesson in the end, to what it means to be introduced. In the third part, describe their practices to improve individual success and a sense of meaningful accomplishment. In one, two, three lines, attack each problem area with a strong line of power packed strategija.Riječ warning should be added. If I or someone like me, you lead your interview, be prepared for follow-up question or two. For example, I will press for more information on just what kinds of "innovative" activities that might involve. I want to know more about this "responsible" comment. How do you structure that? Or maybe you have to describe one of your SmartBoard hours. I'm telling you this so that as you consider what to include in your answer, be restricted to only those things that you have some familiarity with and ability to prošire.U summing up, the key to classroom management issues was prepared. Many candidates will come to talk with just ideas gathered through college studies and / or limited experience. These are often good, but they have no shape. Candidates are able to quickly organize them into a powerful delivery. By what was thought through and write down their ideas in advance, you will be ready with clear, crisp response that is sure to make a big impact on your board. Thus, the start and good luck! My name is Robert W. Pollock. I am a teacher with over 34 years experience, speaker, consultant, teacher and author interviews. How to get them and how to get a job!. I spoke to 1,000 's of potential teachers on how to talk and get a job. I have consulted with numerous schools across the country. I am currently a professor of education at Tusculum College, Knoxville, TN, where I also served as president of its former board.

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